
welcome to pink hydrangea. this is my passion... sewing and creating! it started as a hobby and moved to outfitting myself and my family. if you see something you like and are interested, email me at sewpinkhydrangea@gmail.com or visit my store.

Friday, September 16, 2011


did i mention that we are having a boy?  
baby christopher david

so, a series of new hats for baby christopher...

also... i have been doing a lot of thinking about my shop, blog, a third baby.  priorities.  currently, my wonderful, navy husband is home.  the nights he is home, i LOVE to spend on the couch with him, laughing at silly sitcoms.  or reading and snuggling on the couch. those times are priceless.  when he deploys, i will probably sew a lot more!  (i do now the nights he is on the ship.)

also, i want to spend time with my kids.  a lot of times, i can squeeze a little bit of sewing in here and there when the 2 year old naps, but it's an hour here and there.  and their school... that i thought would be PRIME sewing time, is taken up with grocery shopping, doctor's appointments, etc.

so, all that to say, i am going to be working this out in the next few weeks.  what that will look like, where i host my shop, etc.  i might even merge this and my family blog...  we'll see.  (since a lot of the time, i write mostly the same stuff...)  so bear with me.  and visit the shop... i will keep the link current!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

what i wore wednesday...

this sweet boy. and he wore yellow because it was the color of the day at school. sweet thing. so snuggly!!!
pants: juicy couture from nordy rac
top: old navy
pants: still juicy pants
top: free people from nordy rack
pants: motherhood maternity
top: free people (again, nordy rack... see a theme this week?)
skirt: motherhood maternity (my mom bought it for me after a bad mood day...)
top: target
hubs: shorts: old navy
           shirt: nex
skirt: motherhood maternity
top: FREE at old navy!!!

linking up with lindsay again...