so, i was reading this blog the other day, and it described "mistreating" windows. i realized that was just what i have done in my house. we will live here for a total of LESS than seven months. and there are SO MANY windows. it's an old house, with beautiful old windows. but, i didn't want to get curtains for all of them, only to move to another house that doesn't fit any of the expensive window treatments i bought.
so, one of my first sewing projects for the house was window treatments. i went to wal-mart, bought a bunch of sheets (okay, four to be exact), and used them as curtains. the black one is a full sheet. the green and blue are bits of sheets. and, i had a ton of fabric left over! to be used at a later date...
when we got here, there was a set of sheets (white) that we weren't going to use anymore. but, they were pretty thick, so i cut that up to back the curtain in my baby's room. i used the hems that came on the sheets, and hemmed where needed. then, folded over the top and topstitched several inches down (so i could slide the rod in). so simple, so easy. if i was going to be here longer, i would have maybe combined the two colors for the kids playroom (blue room), or added ribbon to accent it. but, were not here longer. so, they are what they are. the cover my windows and don't look all that bad....
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